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ADP Workforce Manager

ADP WFM Image.png

The next phase of WorkForce Manager (WFM) is here!

To prepare for the transition, make sure you have both apps downloaded and notifications turned on. To view helpful resources and training videos, click on the following titles:

If you have questions after viewing the training videos and reviewing the additional resources provided, please submit your questions to us by clicking on:


Electronic PTO Requests

All employees are required to submit ALL PTO REQUESTS through the myadp portal.

We have included video instructions and a PDF to walk you through how to submit PTO requests electronically.

If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to your terminal payroll supervisor or email:

Electronic PTO Request Video Tutorial

Electronic PTO Request PDF Tutorial

ADP WFM Image.png
PTO Request Video
PTO Rquest PDF
Anchor 1

Advanced Scheduler Training Video

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